Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component

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03-10-2014 02:35 AM
New Contributor

I'm new to Archydro and have installed Archydro in ArcMap 10.1. Everytime I try to run one of the applications like calculating slope or flowdirection out of my .grd or .tif the Error  "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component" (or in my case in German: "Beim Aufruf einer COM-Komponente wurde ein HRESULT E_FAIL-Fehler zurückgegeben.") appears.
I have a huge DEM to work with and wanted to calculate the Catchment area.

Does anyone know what the cuase of this error could be? I already shortened the workpath and the filename but this didn't help.

Thanks in advance!!
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15 Replies
New Contributor

Hi Mark, thanks for all these tips. 

I am having this same issue. 

I copied all the files from my company server to my local C driver and also saved the mxd files there. I also changed the Process extent to the size of the layer that is larger in extent. 

However, this is still resulting in the same error. 

It is strange because yesterday I went through the same process, without saving the input files locally, and I did not receive this error. 

Currently, I am getting this error when using ArcHydro, Terrain Preprocessing, Fill Sinks. 

I would greatly appreciate any further suggestions. 




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New Contributor II

I haven't had this issue in a while. I created a brand new Geodatabase, as well as a Mosaic. I noticed that I would typically have this issue if I forgot to "Stop Editing" a mosaic, or if the mosaic itself had become corrupt (which happened several times, an I am not sure why).

Our organization also has upgraded to 10.6. I wish I could be more help.

New Contributor

We tried a few things, including ensuring the processing extent was correct, after receiving the error over and over we checked the geoprocessing results which indicated that the file can’t be overwritten. We changed the output file name and the tool completed its process

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Regular Contributor II

Yes, file locks, processing extents, missing data, ... "These are a few of (Error HRESULT E_FAIL's) favorite things".  [dub over this that song from "The Sound of Music"]

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New Contributor II

I am receiving this error when I open ArcGIS Pro. I am running ArcGIS Pro 2.7.0. Has anyone else had this error pop up in PRO? SOLUTION? thanks

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New Contributor

Hi @LeonoreBehr 
Greetings from India!

I too had encountered this error message displayed after using the stream segmentation tool from ArcHydro. Firstly, I thought that this error has something to do with the internet connection, but after insuring the internet connection, still I was getting the same error.
I tried many things from the trouleshooting from ESRI community pages. But still didnt get success. Then I just changed the filename of the output file for the stream segmentation grid and it did work. Also, the reply from @MarkBoucher to check the option from Changing the mxd properties (File>Map Document Properties) to "store relative pathnames to data sources", also seems to be fine solution. Also I am in favour of his comment on the data to be kept in C-drive. It allows the programs to run smoothly and read the pathnames of such data easily.