Generate CN grid error

05-21-2012 04:43 AM
New Contributor
I posted this thread some time last week but I have had no feedback. I have tried emptying the TEMP folder but still nothing works. So I have decided to post it again .

want to generate a curve number grid using HEC-GeoHMS 5 which I just installed. I have arcmap 9.3.1 and archydro 1.4. Whe I use the Generate CN grid tool, I get an error that says
" Aplayer is not defined for .... Run Create ArcHydro configuration function and try again".

the layers am using were generated using archydro 1.3 which I uninstalled. I added the ArcHydro tools to arctool box and when i open it, there is no "create arc hydro configuration function" nor does ArcHydro settings appear in the environment settings. This is contrary to ArcHydro GP Tools 1.4 Tutorial.

Can someone help please

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4 Replies
New Contributor
Try: ArcHydro toolbar > ApUtilities > Additional Utilities > Configure Function Parameters.
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New Contributor
Thank you for the suggestion

I used configure function parameters with application as "HydroConfig", function group as "watershed parameters" and configuration as "archydro tools" but it did not work. I repeated the procedure with ApNconfing and Default Config but still cant get over the error. I also tried to work with "set target locations" for all the 3 nodes but all in vain. I have attached the error am getting; may be it will shed more light.

Thank you
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New Contributor
I just had some experiece with creating a CN grid myself and run into verious errors...
in the end my problem was that I had to make sure the type of the fields in the union layer were integer/float! (the landuse and PctA/B/C/D fields). after that the CN was generated.

hope you have luck with it!

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New Contributor

It is numerous tries that I did to generate CNGrid, but always faced errors such as (System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.). I checked the steps many times, I followed correctly the steps in videos on youtube. if you can help me, so please. thank you

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