Apply Asset Package error Water Dist UN Foundation v3.2

04-30-2020 01:26 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I'm getting the following error when running the Apply Asset Package tool using the Water Distribution Utility Network Foundation v3.2 to a UN in a file geodatabase:

The bitSize of this domain exceeds the bitPosition

Any ideas on what is going on or how to apply this asset package?

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Does the UN you are applying to already have network attributes? There is a limited amount of bits available for inline network attributes, so this error is stopping you from overflow.

Network attributes—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation Has some more information.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks for your reply. Ok, I am just starting my exploration of the UN. Here are my complete steps:

  1. I created an empty file geodatabase
  2. I added a feature dataset and a feature class within that represented my service territory
  3. I ran the Stage Utility Network tool from the Utility Network Package Tools with my Input Geodatabase (1) and Service Territory Feature Class (2) and specified a Feature Dataset Name and a Utility Network Name.
  4. I then ran the Apply Asset Package tool and applied the Electric Utility Network Foundation v3.2 asset package to my new UN with no errors
  5. I then ran the Apply Asset Package tool an applied the Gas Utility Network v2.0.1 asset package to my UN with no errors
  6. I attempted to run the Apply Asset Package tool to apply the Water Distribution Network Foundation v3.2 and got the error I described in my question

I was under the assumption that you could apply multiple domain networks to a UN. I did not modify the Esri supplied asset packages. I guess the number of "bits available for inline attributes" is above my level of understanding at the moment. Is there an issue with applying these asset packages?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Your workflow is correct for applying multiple domain networks to the same UN. Each model has a collection of inline network attributes. The UN only supports a limited number of these.

Without modification, you cannot combine all of these domain networks in the same UN. Looking at Water, you should  remove this domain entry from the B_NetworkAttribute table and then apply the asset package:

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thanks. I was able to apply the asset package after deleting that row in the B_NetworkAttribute table. I see in the new data dictionary that this is assigned to the Water Device layer.

Will this have any effect on the utility network (e.g. tracing)? Would I not be able to add another domain network? I have read the ArcGIS Pro Help topic on Network attributes but find it a bit difficult to understand how it all fits together.

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