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Creating laterals

06-08-2015 05:45 PM
Occasional Contributor II

Is there a geoprocessing tool that would create a line from a point to the closest line?
Here is my situation. I have about 14,000 meters in Service Connection layer and they were created by geocoding to an address point, then
snapping that point to the front of the parcel. I would like to have a python script (or any other way you can suggest) to create a line from the
meter point to the closest point on the closest water main. I realize that this can be done one at a time using the "Add Laterals at Connections"
tool in the  Water Utility Network Editing toolbar in ArcMap, however I do not know how to use this tool to perform this function on 14,000 meters at once.
Thank you

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

OK. I answered my own question. Whoever made this addin is a genius !!.  Just download the zipfile
and put the addin with the rest of your ESRI addins. This nice person even included a little how to video in the download !! Mr. mysorekar you saved my butt !!

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New Contributor III

Can you post a link to the zip file that contains the add-in?

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Occasional Contributor II