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ArcGIS server crashed how to resume tile caching?

11-19-2013 03:04 PM
New Contributor II
Hi there,

I published my first multi-scale layer map onto our ArcGIS server but unfortunately after two days the machine where ArcGIS server is installed on crashed so we had to reboot the machine.

I thought the server would pick up the tile caching process where it left automatically but it did not. How can I resume the tile caching process?

Any help would be great.

Thank you
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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Use the Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool and for the Update Mode, use RECREATE_EMPTY_TILES.  This will recreate the tiles for any scales that have missing tiles, leaving all other created tiles alone.
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New Contributor II
Thank you for coming back to me that quick.

I went into the Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool. Unfortunately the cache status is still sitting there and says in progress but for the last 24hrs nothing has happened (progress percentage has not changed for the last 24hrs).

I guess something went really wrong with our GISServer and maybe that causes the tool not to be able to pick up the tiles which it left out.
Is there any other way of checking or resuming the tile cache service? I also checked the CPU process in our GISServer and it is hardly doing anything which also indicates nothing is in progress.

Luckily it was just a training area and part of my RND so I do not lose much work.

Thank you for your help.
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Esri Notable Contributor
Try to cancel the caching job from the View Cache Status page.  If that doesn't work, go into the cache directory on your server and try to delete the .lock files.  Then, see if you can cancel the caching job from the View Cache Status page.  Finally, recreate empty tiles using the Manage Map Server Cache Tiles tool.
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New Contributor II
I have tried all the above.

  1. Deleted lock files

  2. Recreate empty tiles via Tile Manager

Unfortunately still no luck.

The status still says 'in progress' but is not progressing and still at the same percentage as for last night.

I'll run another tile cache process later today and hope this one will run nicely.

Thanks anyway.
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