How to join 2010 Census data to shapefiles in ArcGIS Explorer Desktop

03-14-2011 09:24 PM
New Contributor

I'm new to this product; just installed it today. I've downloaded some 2010 Census data and TIGER/Line shapefiles, and am trying to join the two to produce some maps of my neighborhood. The Census Bureau site has a PDF on doing this join using ArcGIS, but the whole user interface seems quite different from the program I have, and I can't find any way to do a join. Please advise.

Thanks in advance!

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6 Replies
New Contributor
I'm having the same problem. (Has there really been no answer here for 3-4 months?). The Fact sheets from the Census Burea's site say to download the ArcGIS Explorer free and give instructions for joining censis data to the Tiger Line shapefiles (and I really only need to join a few columns). The instructions look entirely different than the current interface. I guess that's understandable, because they're for 9.x and it seems we're now on 10.x, but there simply seems to be no way to join data to a shapefile on standard census numbering (for tracts, county subdividions, places, etc.) The only options I see for joining text data and shapefiles is based on street addresses, military geocoding, or longitude/latitude. Seems very strange, as a text join is pretty basic. And I'm really confused that the Census would provide a link to download a program that does not allow the very functions their instructions envision. Am I missing something? Please help.
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New Contributor II
Having the same problem here. I'm following the Census instructions to the letter (I think), and the join is bringing up blank data from the American Factfinder data set. I'm trying to use the data to analyze our city council wards to see if they are balanced with the population.
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New Contributor II
I'm looking for an answer to this question.  Is there any way to join data in ArcGIS Explorer Desktop?
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Occasional Contributor III
I just looked at the Joining Census Data to TIGER/Line Shapefiles pdf, and the instructions are for ArcMap, not ArcGIS Explorer Desktop.  I also checked the Web Help for ArcGIS Explorer Desktop 1500, and it does not look like it is possible to create a join.  You may want to look into putting it as an Idea on the Esri Ideas website.

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New Contributor
Yes, I believe that is correct. ArcGIS Explorer is the free version of ArcGIs, and is used mostly for showing data (mot creating it and manipulating it as in ArcGIS Desktop).
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Occasional Contributor
From my experience working with ArcGIS Explorer there is no way to create joins with the data by default.

If you have programming experience you can leverage the ArcGIS Explorer SDK and create custom tools to do this for you.
That was my only solution when trying to relate two datasets together, albeit you'll need to know how to program in VB.NET or C#

Here are some resources:
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