symbol not appearing

10-30-2011 05:16 PM
New Contributor
I pasted in coordinates for a point, and new layer appears.  However, when I assign a symbol under layer details, display, and configure, nothing appears on the map.  I have imagery on the map.  Could that be obscuring the symbol.  Do layers in ArcGIS Explorer online have to be ordered by points, lines, polygons, and images such as in the table of contents of ArcMap?
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6 Replies
Occasional Contributor
The Layers list reflects the order that layers are drawn in, so yes, if you have other layers that draw over the top of your points, that can certainly hide your points. If you cant make your points visible, then if you can share the map publically, we can have a look at what's going on.
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New Contributor
I made the map public ( so please let me know what I need to do make the symbol in the the new layer appear.
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Occasional Contributor
The reason you can't see any features in 'New Layer' is because there's no features in that layer. I used a tool called Fiddler to look at what's actually in this map, but an easy way to tell this is that the Zoom To button is disabled in the Layer Details panel. If you imported this layer, it's possible that features you input were rejected for some reason - for example if it was a list of addresses, perhaps the addresses could not be found. If you are not sure why the import resulted in an empty layer, then again if you post the data here we can take a look - also let me know if you imported in Explorer Online, or if it was done using the map viewer.
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New Contributor
YNP Photo Waypoints Latitude Longitude
1 44 14 13 N 110 39 5 W

I Add Content > CSV > Paste from Table, and everything looks fine.  Yet, when I go to look at the details of the New Layer, the Zoom To option does not work, and that suggests that the coordinates were not actually created to use in ArcGIS Explorer.  Can someone please tell me how to get the coordinates into ArcGIS Explorer so that I can actually see the point?
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New Contributor
Here are 2 tips that should result in a successful import:

1. Use decimal degrees for your coordinates
2. Separate the fields with a comma

An example:

44.567, 12.345,some text

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New Contributor
I have this exact same problem. Used the import tool to plot the following point

43.303056, -107.208333

I labeled the fields as "Location" with "Latitude" and "Longitude". A new layer is added but there are no features in the layer??

Must be a bug?

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