CurrentMapAction Property Missing

05-21-2012 10:57 AM
New Contributor

As per the documentaion "CurrentMapAction" is used to "AddVertex" or "DeleteVertex".

The Map Control (ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WPF.Map) does not have such property.

ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WPF.Map' does not contain a definition for 'CurrentMapAction' and no extension method 'CurrentMapAction' accepting a first argument of type 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.WPF.Map' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Can you please tell me whether I am missing any reference ?

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1 Reply
New Contributor
There are some essential properties methods missing from the WPF. I just reverted back to the windowsformhost to make a WPF application using the old MAP control. Did you ever find a solution to this your self?

The CurrentMapAction property allows you to assign a MapAction to the map, such as PanMapAction, ZoomInMapAction, ZoomOutMapAction, AddVertexSketchTool,DeleteVertexSketchTool, SelectionMapAction, etc. To detach MapAction from the map, set the CurrentMapAction property to null (in C#) or Nothing (in VB.Net).
There are a couple important concepts related to map extent, including Extent, Full Extent, Rotated Extent, and View Extent. These properties are accessible throughGetExtent, GetFullExtent, GetRotatedExtent, GetViewExtent. The RotationAngel property gets/sets the rotation angel of the map, and the Scale property gets/sets map scale. For more information, see GetViewExtent.
If there is a need to convert coordinates between map units and client units, use ToMap and ToClient methods.
As a way to provide feedback to end user, the FlashGeometry method enables you to flash specified features (passed-in as parameters) a certain times using customized Pen and Brush.
To get a snapshot of current map, use GetMapImage method, e.g., to display the map image in a picture box or save it as an image file in local disk.
Use Refresh and Invalidate to refresh the display appropriately on map control. Refresh will redraw the whole client area while Invalidate will only redraw the client area where a change has occurred. Make sure you use Refresh method only when necessary because it will degrade drawing performance if it's called too frequently. If you only have a small area on your map that needs to redraw, use Invalidate() method with a envelope indicating the area that needs to be redrawn. For more information, seeRefresh.
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