use the embedded camera in your mobile device directly?

04-16-2012 07:37 PM
New Contributor III
"�?�Raster�??Fields of type raster are recognized as a special field type that can be used to store photographs. You can either browse for photos and add them to your raster field or use the embedded camera in your mobile device directly."

I have no problems browsing and adding a photo but I'm wondering what
are the requirements for using an embedded camera in a mobile device with Mobile?

E.g. we have a but the only method I can use is to take the photo via software i.e. there is no hard button...
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1 Reply
New Contributor III
Yes, this is possible.

Two ways of doing it, get the DLLs from motioncomputing for those devices and integrated it into your solution.

I have done this with my Panasonic tablet PCs. I got their DLLs, including the one to turn on the LED (which can be used as a flashlight). I coded a button "Take Photo" onto the AttributesForm. When the user clicks on it, it will open the camera still in ArcGIS Mobile, allow the user to capture a photo and save it to the raster field in the feature class.

The other way to do it, is to use Windows built in libraries to determine the camera's existence and then use it. This is how Skype works, it can figure out where and what your camera is, without needing specific manufacturer libraries.

I couldn't figure what libraries or how to do it using Windows, instead I used the Panasonic libraries provided.
If you do come up with a solution, please post it.


Akhil P.
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