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ArcGIS Online World Transportation layer transparency loss

06-09-2011 06:38 AM
New Contributor
Transparency of background in ArcGIS Online World Transportation layer is loss when read from source MXD with ArcGIS Server.  Read just fine in MXD.  Any ideas on how to fix that for ArcGIS Server?
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Are you saying you've added the world transportation service as a layer in your MXD in ArcMap, then you serve that MXD up using ArcGIS Server?  If this is the case, it's better to keep your operational layers separate from the basemap and use the client application to combine the layers. Basically take out the basemap from the MXD.

If this is not the case, perhaps you can explain more on what you're trying to do.


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New Contributor
Yes, added layer in MXD then serve our with ArcGIS server.  I'll try the option you mention having the client app combine the layers.
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