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Create relates in Arc Map Viewer in AGOL

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01-17-2024 02:04 AM
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New Contributor III


I have a project in ArcPRO in which i created 'relates' which link my related tables to my layer. However, when I go to publish this as a web service and view the map in mapviewer, those relates seem to dissapear. Is there a way to ensure those relates are carried through to map viewer, or is there a way to create them within mapviewer itself?

Can anyone please advise?


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1 Solution

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Esri Contributor

1. You can create and publish a relationship class in ArcGIS Pro. Here is a really helpful video that goes through the entire process step by step.

2. You need to create the relationship class, tables, and/ or feature classes within the same geodatabase. Then once you have everything set up in your Pro map how you like it, simply publish the web map (documentation here

3. For the last part of your question regarding updating your data, you can do this via Update data A key part of this workflow is ensuring you have a unique ID field to easier match the old and new dataset. See the article I linked for more details.

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7 Replies
Esri Contributor

@JamesBuckle  Hi James, the relationship should still be on your hosted feature service. Are you trying to see it in the pop-up or editor?

Check out these articles to explain how to set that up.

If this doesn't help let me know

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New Contributor III

Hi, thanks for the advice. 

The first option above doesn't seem to work for me, as it says there are no related records available and i should create them in ArcGIS Pro. However as shown in the screenshot below, the relates do exist in arcpro:


The second option doesn't seem to work either as i don t have the option to add rel;ated records in the pop ups pane:



Just to clarify my set up, I have my layer and 5 tables as shown below:








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Esri Contributor

Hi @James

Did you create a relate or a relationship class?

A relationship class exists in the geodatabase and will carry through the feature service to ArcGIS Online. Here is a link to an article explaining relates and relationship classes.


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Occasional Contributor


I have a few questions regarding the use of relationship classes in ArcGIS Pro and their integration with AGOL (ArcGIS Online). Firstly, I'd like to know which version of ArcGIS Pro is required to create relationship classes. I'm under the impression that the basic version may not support this feature, is that correct?

Secondly, I'm seeking guidance on how to publish a layer, along with its related tables, to AGOL. Is it possible to publish everything, including the tables, directly to AGOL as a web layer through ArcGIS Pro, or is there a different method? Additionally, would I need to publish the entire Geodatabase to achieve this?

Another important question is about updating the tables on AGOL. For instance, if the original table data is sourced from an Excel file and I receive an updated version of this file, how can I update the corresponding tables on AGOL?

I apologize for the barrage of questions. I've attempted this process twice before, but encountered several obstacles. My workaround has been to add the data from these tables as fields to a single feature, which is far from ideal. I'm hoping to find a more efficient and correct way to do this. Surely, there must be a blog post or video tutorial on ArcGIS that explains this process?  

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Esri Contributor

1. You can create and publish a relationship class in ArcGIS Pro. Here is a really helpful video that goes through the entire process step by step.

2. You need to create the relationship class, tables, and/ or feature classes within the same geodatabase. Then once you have everything set up in your Pro map how you like it, simply publish the web map (documentation here

3. For the last part of your question regarding updating your data, you can do this via Update data A key part of this workflow is ensuring you have a unique ID field to easier match the old and new dataset. See the article I linked for more details.

Occasional Contributor

Hey! This is exactly what I needed to know. I always got the second step wrong. I used to have ArcGIS Standard; now, I only have Basic, but I believe my problem was trying to save the layer only to AGOL. I didn't realize I had to save the entire webmap which uploads the full geodatabase. 

With that said, and thank you again, I am guessing, almost positively, that once I publish the webmap, I can use that feature layer in other webmaps besides that one in AGOL, right? I just wanted to double-check.

Esri Contributor

Yes, just make sure if you have related tables and features layers everything is in the map. To view the records in editor and pop-ups make sure you review those articles I listed previously to get up and running in ArcGIS Online

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