Setting Up SDK for Use by an Xcode Bot

02-08-2014 07:02 AM
New Contributor II
I decided to set up an Xcode bot to automatically build and test my app that uses the SDK. I ran into one problem: the SDK installer puts everything in the user's home directory (under ~/Library), but Xcode bots run under a special account (_teamsserver). By default, that account does not have a home directory, and there is no way to log in as that user to install the SDK. So if the Xcode project uses a path like "$(HOME)/Library/SDKs/ArcGIS/iOS", the bot will not be able to find the files.

One solution would be to use full paths in the Xcode project, but that would require agreement on a shared location. Instead, I figured out how to set up the _teamsserver home directory with a symlink to my user account's SDK installation.

Full details are in a blog post here:

If anyone has any better ideas, I'd like to hear them.

It would be nice if the SDK installer provided an option to install the SDK files somewhere other than the user's home directory.
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2 Replies
New Contributor
This is pretty easy, really: Just pick up the ArcGIS.framework and move it to some other folder. Yes, it's inconvenient that the installer does not give you that option, but it's easy to work around it.
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New Contributor III

Kristopher, thanks for your blog post.

When using Mac OSX 10.11 El Capitan as the server, the directory structure changed a bit.

The build is ran from the directory /var/_xcsbuildd/, so instead of linking to /var/teamsserver/Library/SDKs, just link to /var/_xcsbuildd/Library/SDKs:

sudo ln -s ~/Library/SDKs /var/_xcsbuildd/Library/SDKs

Do not forget to check that the full path to the .framework directory is accessible by all the users (your home directory, your library directory, etc).

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