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can not use local feature service with a FGDB layer that has topology defined

12-12-2011 06:48 AM
New Contributor
I created a feature dataset in an FGDB.  I added topology to the layer and created an MPK pointing to the FGDB layer.  When I try to consume in ArcGIS run time I get a 500 error.   If I remove the topology rule everything works.  I am not versioning.  Is topology supported for feature services with the Run Time?
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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

We'll investigate this and get back to you.


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New Contributor
FYI: just reproduced the same issue in beta 2.  Here is what I did.  I create Feature Layer, added a polygon layer and a topology rule.  I then created an MPK that pointed to external data (ie. the FGDB).  I can not add the MPK as a featire layer to a map in the RunTime.  At startup, I get a 500, failed to create feature service.  If I remove the Topology rule, it works fine.
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