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Where is the data LocalFeatureService saved

01-23-2014 11:18 PM
New Contributor

I Use LocalFeatureService created  ArcGISLocalFeatureLayer,and I edited some data in the layer.
Now I want to copy the edited data to other computers, but I found the edited data is not saved to the mpk file,  Where is the data saved ?

ps:I Create the mpk file without choose "Reference all data"
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3 Replies
New Contributor
I got it, Thanks
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Esri Frequent Contributor

If you choose to create the package without referencing the data, the data will be included in the package. The RuntimeLocalServer then unpacks that, by default to "C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\ArcGISRuntime\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages". You can override this location by setting the ArcGISRuntime.AppDataPath property before calling ArcGISRuntime.Initialize: Note when MPKs are unpacked they have a GUID appended to the name to create a unique location e.g. "<MyMapName>_6BB729D1-E982-47F4-950A-DE9A96F90305".

If you would like to move the data to other devices, you are recommended to use the reference data option when creating your map packages. Relative paths are not supported within the package, therefore the path on each deployment machine will need to match the original path in order to successfully use that geodatabase with the map package. This is easily achieved by creating a virtual/mapped drive - for example by calling the "subst" dos command from code, or another programmatic solution is discussed here:


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New Contributor

If you choose to create the package without referencing the data, the data will be included in the package. The RuntimeLocalServer then unpacks that, by default to "C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\ArcGISRuntime\Documents\ArcGIS\Packages". You can override this location by setting the ArcGISRuntime.AppDataPath property before calling ArcGISRuntime.Initialize: Note when MPKs are unpacked they have a GUID appended to the name to create a unique location e.g. "<MyMapName>_6BB729D1-E982-47F4-950A-DE9A96F90305".

If you would like to move the data to other devices, you are recommended to use the reference data option when creating your map packages. Relative paths are not supported within the package, therefore the path on each deployment machine will need to match the original path in order to successfully use that geodatabase with the map package. This is easily achieved by creating a virtual/mapped drive - for example by calling the "subst" dos command from code, or another programmatic solution is discussed here:



Thanks for your replies!There is a bug,if the ArcGISRuntime.AppDataPath property Which I Set have any Chinese Char,Local Servicesuch as LocalFeatureService will not work.
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