Adding a TIFF raster to a basemap

06-22-2011 01:27 PM
New Contributor
I am relatively new to Arc and am still trying to figure out some of the basics. I have two raster images, both TIFF files with corresponding TFW files. One of these files is global map with lower resolution and one is a smaller, high resolution image. I would like to use global map as my basemap. When I add the higher resolution raster to this basemap it is always projected in the upper left corner of the basemap. The spatial referencing is correct for both images in ArcCatalog. I was told that perhaps ArcMap is referencing the basemap header when projecting the higher resolution image. Can anyone tell me how to check/fix this? Thank you!
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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
From ArcMap Options > Raster Tab > Raster Dataset > Check to see if 'Use world file to define the coordinates of the raster' is checked.

Also, please check to see if the datums of the two images are different. If they are, you may consider applying a correct geographic transformation when adding the second image to ArcMap.
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New Contributor
Thank you for the advice. I had already tried, and tried again, checking the "Use world file to define the coordinates of the raster". This does not seem to be helping.
I have also double checked that my datum is the same for both images. I am using D_Titan_2000. My low resolution, basemap, is the world map of Titan and I trying to layer high resolution TIFF images onto this. All images are TIFF files with corresponding TFW files. I have selected the D_Titan_2000 datum for all of the images.
The problem I am still having is that ArcMap is placing all the high resolution images in the upper left corner of the basemap.
Thank you!
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