Geodatabase opened in oracle

02-08-2022 02:02 AM
New Contributor II

I can able to log in to geodatabase in SQL developer and Arc catalog.

In the SQL developerI could see some junk tables names (A00, A10, B1, C5,----)   but in the ArcCatalog don't find them.

Is this normal or any issues.

Could pls advise?

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3 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

There are many different tables that make up the Enterprise Geodatabase that are hidden by the ArcGIS client. I would say that is normal, unless you are having an issue with any of your data.

Here is some documentation to help with the system tables that you will not see in the client:

Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

--- George T.
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Please do not DROP any "junk" tables without confirming that they *are* junk, or you might get to exercise your disaster recovery plan sooner than later.

- V

Esri Esteemed Contributor

And it's probably wise to not create any tables named in the form <Alpha><digit>(<digit>)... All my junk tables start with "tmp" or "xx" or "junk" for that very reason.

- V

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