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Is there a dictionaryor key explaining ArcSDE errors?

12-09-2010 04:58 AM
New Contributor III
We've been having intermittent issues with our ESRI SDE / Oracle setup.  Going through the giomgr and sde logs I am seeing various errors.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a listing of what these error codes mean.

Is there a key or dictionary that lists all the SDE error codes and their meanings?

This would be very helpful.


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5 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Error codes are detailed in the documentation and in the SDK include files.

Have you tried searching on the messages in the Resource Center search box?

- V
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New Contributor III

I don't have SDE installed on this local machine (perhaps I should look for docs on the install disk?), but searching on ESRI's support site is a hit or miss affair that only returns anything if someone else has posted something looking for answers on the same or similar codes.  Often without an authoritative reply.

I've found the sdeerno.h file which explains _some_ of them.

  db_array_fetch_spix_recs OCI Fetch Error (936)
  db_array_fetch_spix_recs OCI Fetch Error (907)
  db_array_fetch_attrs OCI Fetch Error (904)

I am assuming that there was an error in the "db_array_fetch_spix_recs" or "db_array_fetch_attrs" (i.e. that there was an error in a database array either fetching spix records or fetching attributes), that it was an "OCI Fetch Error" and that the number 936, 907, 904 is the type of "OCI Fetch Error" that occurred.

What exactly _is_ an "OCI Fetch Error" and what the numbers mean, I can't seem to find.

We are still on ArcSDE 9.3 and the link you provided was to 10.0, is there a similar link to 9.3?

Thanks again.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Error macros are a superset from previous releases.  While a 9.3 version of that document
certainly exists, there wouldn't be anything in it not in the 10.0 list.

By definition, OCI errors are those returned by Oracle API functions (Oracle Call Interface),
so the errors would correspond to the ORA-nnnnn codes associated with those values
(e.g.,  ORA-00936 == missing expression).  The errors the codes represnt don't make
much sense, probably because the communication channel apears to have been scrambled.

What version of Oracle are you using (10.x.y.z)?  On what platform?  Have you applied the
most recent CPU (Critical Patch Update) bundle?

Are you using SDEBINARY (LONG RAW) geometry?  What ArcSDE service packs and/or
patches have you applied?

- V
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New Contributor III

SDE 9.3 sp1 under Oracle, three interim patches (6756089, 5556081, 5557962) under Solaris 10.

We are using SDE.ST_GEOMETRY for the shape column.

Can you point me to the page that contains the superset of error codes?

Thanks again for the help,
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
The documentation link in my first post *is* the complete list of all ArcSDE error codes.

You'd have to consult the RDBMS vendors' pages for their error codes.

You can try filing an incident with Tech Support, but you're much more likely to address
the issue by applying the most recent CPU for and/or 9.3.1sp1/sp2.

- V
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