Attribute Assistant Examples

01-15-2014 10:22 AM
New Contributor
I have had pretty good luck using the AA to automate some of our tasks. However, I am sure I'm using a small portion of the functionality that is available, simply because some of the methods are a black box to me. E.g., X_Coordinate. Reading through the documentation it says you need to provide the "feature location", but I have no idea what that means from the standpoint of what the function is looking for.

Is there any place that there is a set of examples that showcase how these functions are used?
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3 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
   The Address Editing Map and the Water Utility Editing Map both provide an example of how to use the Attribute Assistant.
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New Contributor
Thank you Mike. We are using the Address Editing, but I hadn't looked at the Water Utility map yet. Thanks much for the info.
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Frequent Contributor

I have written an article for the ArcUser magazine, maybe that can help you some?

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